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The Viral Power Of Ebooks To Generate Traffic And Visitors
By Phil M.

Want to get thousands of new visitors for your ezine without spending a cent on advertising and you've tried all the methods above but you still want more?
Viral marketing is the way to go! Writing viral ebooks that get passed around.
Writing viral books is nothing new, but it's still a great way to get your newsletter noticed.
There are a few methods you can use when creating viral ebooks.
You can either create them as a free product, or charge for them and give people the reprint rights to the product so they in turn can give your product away while making some money in the process.
I prefer the reprint right route. The key here is tho, once the momentum of the first book wears out, write another and another and another and another! All in the same method, all with reprint rights and all with your newsletter subscribe from plastered in them.
The goal really isn't to make money from the sales of the book, it's to get more visitors.
So again, find a group of publishers in your markets, let them know you created a new ebook with sales letter that they can use and plug straight into their website and give them a mailing promotion to use and tell them they can have the book for free and that they can either sell the book or the book and the reprint


rights to their customers.
This is easy money for them and more subscribers for you!
Doing audio interviews with experts in your field also is a great idea to get more subscribers. I'm not going to get into how to create audio products as that's a whole other book, but interviewing experts over the phone and recording it on mp3 will get your newsletter splashed all over the Internet, especially in fields other then Internet marketing where people don't expect to get this much quality information for free
When you take marketing tactics from the Internet marketing field and apply them into other niche markets where they have never been seen before, you will get noticed more. Everything has been done in the Internet marketing field, we are all  immune to even the most brilliant marketing tactics as we see them almost everyday, but other niche markets eat these things up.

"Using the 'Exponential Power' of Viral Marketing to explode your Website Traffic, List Building and Increase Sales tenfold!"Viral Marketing | Brandable Software

make money By Reffering Someone


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And again, thank you to those contributing daily to our ebooks website.



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