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Earn Money Online With Ebooks
By bella

There are three basic ways to earn money online with ebooks. Writing your own ebooks, selling someone else's ebooks, or both.

Ebooks are simply one of the best online business ideas that exist today. You can create an ebook for next to nothing and sell it for almost 100 - 25% profit offered by most traditional business and much better than the small percentages that authors are offered by traditional publishing houses. What’s more, is that for the first time anyone who is dedicated enough to writing an ebook can get it published without all the barriers of the traditional publishing route.

First, let's take a look at writing your own ebooks. It's not all that difficult and if you have ever written an essay for a school project you have all the prerequisites already. You don't have to be an expert on your ebook subject, although it helps, as most information can be found online and in your local library. You don't even have to be a good writer as most word processors have grammar and spell checking tools.

Once you decide that you want to write your own ebook, you need to find a "niche" market or subject to write about. The more specific you make your ebook, the better it will sell. Your next step is to complete an outline and table of contents. Having an outline will help you organize your thoughts and ensure that your new ebook flows well and keeps the reader focused. Once your initial outline is done (you can modify it as you go) you need to start your research. Get a pen and paper and spend several hours researching web sites related to each and every chapter of your ebook. Taking notes with a pen and


paper will help. Be sure to spend a few hours in your local library as well. Research is one of the most important steps, even if you consider yourself an expert on your topic.

Once your research is completed, you are ready to begin writing. Use your outline to keep your efforts organized and on topic. Start with a rough draft and then get your friends and family to proof read it. Never do your own proof reading and editing! Once your ebook is written, ad some nice graphics and a cover page. Compile the ebook into an ebook format and you are finished. You should now have a unique and original ebook that you can sell.

Many of us don't have the "author" bug and the prospect of writing our own ebook reminds us of visiting the dentist. Do not fear, there are literally thousands of authors out there that need help selling their ebooks.

Selling ebooks is just another off-shoot of affiliate marketing. Sign up with an number of affiliate programs and sell the ebooks you want using your own website, email lists, or even word of mouth. Many people make their living selling ebooks using affiliate programs.

Writing and selling your own ebook is actually a lot harder that people think. Most of us are good at writing or marketing, very few of us are good at both. However, if you feel you can handle both roles you can earn even more money online.

Written By-Barb Thornback

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